Madrid HHH



All Sunday Runs have a run start time of 13.00 hrs

In the “summer season” (June to Aug) the runs are followed by a picnic rather than going to a restaurant.

Friday Runs start at 20:00 or 21:00h at the discretion of the hares.


As there may be exceptions to these traditions be sure to look at the specific details published on the  page.





This calendar is correct to the knowledge of the Hare-Raiser, but may not always be up-to-date. Always check the website for “official” run information.

In any case, errors and/or omissions can inadvertently creep in anywhere. If you notice that a date, run number or hare name appears to be incorrect, please notify me, as well as for any other questions you might have (malmurphy @


Hares should send a message to the mail list or the Hare-Raiser with further details about the run they are organizing.

Want to set a run? Just get in touch with the Hareline, our very own Not Half Bad.
How to set a run.


Email: malmurphy @

Whatsapp: 688 481 039