Below you will find the links to some great MH3 away weekends and other events. Great fun. Great value.
Asstour 2023
Dates: Fri 7th, Sat 8th, Sun 9th July
Coinciding with Cider festival.
Basis plan (very provisional):
Arrive in Nava, Asturias Friday. Check in to hotel. Dinner together (optional). Festival.
Saturday morning: Festival
Saturday 12 noonish leave for run, followed by downdowns, snacks etc. Return to hotel, freshen up, dinner, festival.
Sunday morning leave early for beach, run, lunch, and goodbyes.
Hotels ( book your own asap as there is very limited space because of the festival)
Hotel Villa de Nava: 985718070
Twin room €90 per night, breakfast included. Single room €50.
Hotel Prida: 985717305
Twin or double beds €65 per night, breakfast not included.
More details about price for the weekend later (possible between 70 and 100€ depending on price of meals and whether we have a t-shirt or not.
What do you need to do?
If you going, book your hotel as soon as possible and let Sir Sir Culchie know who’s going.
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