Madrid HHH

Up & Kummin

Below you will find the links to some great MH3 away weekends and other events. Great fun. Great value.


Asstour 2023

Dates: Fri 7th, Sat 8th, Sun 9th July
Coinciding with Cider festival.
Basis plan (very provisional):
Arrive in Nava, Asturias Friday. Check in to hotel. Dinner together (optional). Festival.
Saturday morning: Festival
Saturday 12 noonish leave for run, followed by downdowns, snacks etc. Return to hotel, freshen up, dinner, festival.
Sunday morning leave early for beach, run, lunch, and goodbyes.
Hotels ( book your own asap as there is very limited space because of the festival)
Hotel Villa de Nava: 985718070
Twin room €90 per night, breakfast included. Single room €50.
Hotel Prida: 985717305
Twin or double beds €65 per night, breakfast not included.
More details about price for the weekend later (possible between 70 and 100€ depending on price of meals and whether we have a t-shirt or not.
What do you need to do?
If you going, book your hotel as soon as possible and let Sir Sir Culchie know who’s going.
On On


28th February – 1st March 2020 (leap weekend)